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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

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Table of Contents
Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 141-293

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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Some Examples of Singular Perturbation Problems with Turning Points

Fred W. Dorr

pp. 141-146

Error Bounds for Asymptotic Approximations of Zeros of Transcendental Functions

Herbert W. Hethcote

pp. 147-152

Simple Turning-Point Problems in Unbounded Domains

Wolfgang Wasow

pp. 153-170

Lie Theory and $q$-Difference Equations

Willard Miller, Jr.

pp. 171-188

Further Results on the Boundedness and the Stability of Solutions of Some Differential Equations of the Fourth Order

Martin Harrow

pp. 189-194

Monotoneity Properties of Solutions of Hermitian Riccati Matrix Differential Equations

William T. Reid

pp. 195-213

Well-Posed Problems for a Partial Differential Equation of Order $2m + 1$

R. E. Showalter

pp. 214-231

Some Extensions of Lardner's Relations between ${}_0 F_3 $ and Bessel Functions

B. C. Carlson

pp. 232-242

Some Reduction Formulas for Generalized Hypergeometric Functions

L. Carlitz

pp. 243-245

Lie Theory and Special Functions Satisfying Second Order Nonhomogeneous Differential Equations

Willard Miller, Jr.

pp. 246-265

Evaluation of the Gamma Function by Means of Padé Approximations

Yudell L. Luke

pp. 266-281

Continuous Dependence on the Data for a Stefan Problem

C. Y. Chan

pp. 282-287

The Fractional Derivative of a Composite Function

Thomas J. Osler

pp. 288-293